This is my latest soldering station project.
The new version is designed on a 2-layer PCB. You can get it from here if it’ s in stock.
Build it using these instructions and this BOM.
Read its manual and download the firmware for the new soldering station.
Kevin Ngai
I have made this soldering iron but there is a problem. When I soldering an LED, when the soldering iron touches the LED leg, the LED starts to light up a bit. Does this cause a problem?
That’s not an issue. Check that old discussion that could explain it.
Can you share schematics please!!!!!!! 😔😔
Or maybe you could share the Eagle / Board file/ Gerber file with us. 😶😶
Sir it’s been 4 years since this build can you now please share the schematic by any chance. It would be very helpful. Also your channel is for diy which is supposed to be open for all. I request you from all the diy community to share the schematic.
Kaka tu
Bạn có thể chia sẽ 1 file hẽ cho lgt8f328p không
ec11 only receives the switch and pins a and b connected to a0 and a1 do not. i can’t adjust the rotary encoder. is there any way to overcome more resistance or increase the value of ceramic capacitor
I’m sorry but I cannot understand your problem. Have you bought a pcb with an issue on A0 and A1? Could you upload a photo or a video with your problem?
sorry my english is too bad. lights work only 1 Rotary Encoder only works button and rotary encoder not working. I used ceramic capacitor 103
Dear Sir
Please share schemes with the Code to our email ID . If your code is chargeable . Kindly share price , so . We will pay the money online
Sorry, we don’t sell schematics and code. We sell the bare pcb. The firmware is available to download in .hex format. It’s not an open source project.
bạn cần không liên hệ tôi gmail
I built it. But when I started up I got stuck at “Please connect iron” and can’t control the menu.
Have you encountered this problem? Show me how to fix it. Thank you.
The iron is not connected or it doesn’t read the iron’s temp correctly. Read the manual.
Mihai D.
Hi, can you modify the 2-nd software of first version for I2C display (and Arduino nano). I do this for first version of software and work ok, but for 2-nd I can’t do make it work. Problems with functions display. Thank you in advance.
Can I have your email address?
I hope you share the above circuit diagram or can give me a picture of the circuit before and after the components are not available.
If you agree to send images with strong prints, please send them to gmail
thank you
khuất Trọng nghia
Can anybody give me the picture of circuit printed on the front and the back ?? please
If you don’t plan to make another batch to sell, it’s possible to get the pcb gerber?
A new batch is coming in the next days. I’ll inform you if you are still interested.
Perfect 🙂
PS: i can’t get it to work, it is stuck to “Please connect iron”…
do you have the hakko pinout and how to connect to the board?
I hope you share the above circuit diagram or can give me a picture of the circuit before and after the components are not available.
If you agree to send images with strong prints, please send them to gmail
thank you
There is a pinout of my soldering iron in the instructions at the bottom but keep in mind that every clone might be different.
Try to connect a resistor on the pcb between PTC and GND (try different values 50-200Ω). The message “Please connect iron” should go.
Use a multimeter to measure voltage on pin 1 of the op-amp. Measure the voltage with the iron connected/unconnected and with the above resistors between PTC-GND and share with me your measurements.
Did you follow the instructions step by step? Have you read the manual? Try to reset the EEPROM through the menu. Also try to edit and save Temp1/Data1 and Temp2/Data2.
Let me know about your progress.
Built it, working flawless, sleep and power off working! Good job!
Can I have your email address?
Artur Soares
Great project. Unfortunatelly the board is not available to buy. Can you send the file for the board layout? If that is not possible i will probably build another station or the V1
I mounted the circuit and everything works except the sleep mode.
In practice, once activated in the menu, the symbol appears at the bottom left of the display and is not removed when the reed contact is open.
Nor does the auto power off mode work.
However, the welder works perfectly.
Am I wrong?
Dear friend I am very happy to buy your PCB and help this project.Only two questions: what kind of ceramic capacitor between pins 8-4 on opamp is it necessary? 10n, 100n or other? Also I would like to use LCD module HD44780 16 × 2 RGB so that the color of the LCD backlighting changes as expected WS2812,you can help me?Best regards.Luca
May I use an WS2811S WS2811 SOP-8 IC?
You need a 100n ceramic cap. If your LCD is compatible with the generic HD44780 module then you could use it. I have to see its datasheet to answer for sure because I haven’t tested it.
Why do you want to use a WS2811 IC? You could just use a WS2812 LED that you could cut from s atrip which is super cheap.
hi, great work but it’s sad to see that you did not make this version open source like previous one, i really like to support your project by buying the pcb but for someone like me it’s impossible to do it and it’s because of the place i live. i did build the previous version and i’m still using it. i understand your intent and respect it. keep doing your great work ?
I tried many times to download hex file,but unfortunately with negative results. Can you send me .hex to gmail. Thanks. Very nice project!
Sorry about that. It got fixed now. Could you try again?
I downloaded the file.hex,
How can I load the firmware on the Arduino Atmega328P? Please note that I have always used the arduino IDE to program the chip.
I thank you
You can find all the information in the pcb build instructions.
Hi! you can share hex file to email Thank
I mounted the circuit and everything works except the sleep mode.
In practice, once activated in the menu, the symbol appears at the bottom left of the display and is not removed when the reed contact is open.
Nor does the auto power off mode work.
However, the welder works perfectly.
Am I wrong?
In the scheme there are not the NPN transistors.
I think that one is used for buzzer and one for brightness. It’s true?
What sheme? The schematic of this station is not uploaded. The schematic from my previous soldering station is totally different and it won’t work with the new firmware. The new firmware will only work with the newest pcb.